Tuesday 14 May 2024

Dr Ranj Singh - Sleep & Wellness Ambassador

Hi there and a very warm welcome to Season 5 Episode 52 of People Soup – it’s Ross McIntosh here. 

P Soupers - I've got a treat for you this week - a few weeks ago I had a chat with an NHS Doctor who is also a Best selling Author, TV Doctor, Bafta award winner and P Soupers - he's only been on Strictly too! It's Dr Ranj Singh. In our chat we talk about how accustomed he is to receiving feedback, his mindset of exploring new opportunities, his creative sidestep into media and writing books and his role as sleep and wellness ambassador for Furniture Village. We talk about his value of helping others and explore the universal topic of sleep from a variety of angles. Of course - Dr Ranj also selects his song choice and leaves us with a top tip.

People Soup is an award winning podcast where we share evidence based behavioural science, in a way that’s practical, accessible and fun, we're all about unlocking workplace potential with expert insights from Contextual Behavioural Science.

Another first for Season 5 is that I'm adding a transcript, wherever possible. There is a caveat - this transcript is largely generated by Artificial Intelligence, I have corrected many errors but I won't have captured them all! You can find the transcript by clicking on the three dots at the bottom left of the box below and selecting transcript.

You'll also find the shownotes, including all the useful links by clicking on Notes in the box below and scrolling.


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