Thursday 22 June 2023

The Flexible Mind with Professor Ross White

Hi there and a very warm welcome to Season 5 Episode 20 of People Soup – it’s Ross McIntosh here. 

Listen on as I continue my chat with Professor Ross White. He's the Research Director of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Queen's University Belfast and an expert in Global Mental Health. He was also lead author on a book called Acceptance and Commitment Approaches for Athletes' Wellbeing and Performance, The Flexible Mind.

In this episode we dive into the book, starting with my review and then continuing with an exploration of the collaborative development of the key messages in the book, his hopes for the book and what else he's got in the pipeline. We finish with Ross' takeaways which are beautifully expressed and very useful.

People Soup is an award winning podcast where we share evidence based behavioural science, in a way that’s practical, accessible and fun to help you glow to work a bit more often.

Another first for Season 5 is that I'm adding a transcript, wherever possible. There is a caveat - this transcript is largely generated by Artificial Intelligence, I have corrected many errors but I won't have captured them all! You can find the transcript by clicking on the three dots at the bottom left of the box below and selecting transcript.

You'll also find the shownotes, including all the useful links by clicking on Notes in the box below.

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