Tuesday 21 March 2023

Healthy Workplaces with Dr Kevin Teoh

Hi there and a very warm welcome to Season 5 Episode 17 of People Soup – it’s Ross McIntosh here. 

Kevin is a Senior Lecturer and the Programme Director for the MSc in Organizational Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. If you haven't listened to Part One you can catch it here. He's also the Executive Officer, European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. In part two of our chat we focus on Kevin's research and his thoughts on how workplaces are designed, organised and managed, what's known as the psychosocial context or the psychosocial working conditions - and what we're really trying to develop is a healthy workplace.. Such is Kevin's generosity in sharing his thoughts that this whole episode is like a takeaway banquet. To hear Kevin speak is really thought provoking and you'll hear him talk about his consulting approach, the workplace themes he's noticing, how organisations can sometimes see well-being as a tick box exercise and his simple recommendations for a step by step approach to organisational health.

People Soup is an award winning podcast where we share evidence based behavioural science, in a way that’s practical, accessible and fun to help you glow to work a bit more often.

Another first for Season 5 is that I'm adding a transcript, wherever possible. There is a caveat - this transcript is largely generated by Artificial Intelligence, I have corrected many errors but I won't have captured them all! You can find the transcript by clicking on the three dots at the bottom left of the box below and selecting transcript.

You'll also find the shownotes, including all the useful links by clicking on Notes in the box below.


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