Friday 27 January 2023

Collage as a Creative Coaching Tool with Andréa Watts

Hi there and a very warm welcome to Season 5 Episode 11 of People Soup – it’s Ross McIntosh here. 

In this episode you'll hear Andréa Watts talking about the messy process of writing a book - and how her Collage Coaching Technique really helped her to get unstuck. Andrea uses collage to help people look inside and surface what's going on for them and how it might be impacting on their behaviour. Her book is called Collage as a Creative Coaching Tool - A comprehensive resource for coaches and psychologists. You'll hear all about the book - from the first sentence to the whole writing process and how she stayed motivated during the darker times. Andréa is an inspiration - and her passion shines through in the way she talks about her book.


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