Hi there and a very warm welcome to Season 5 Episode 4 and 6 of People Soup – it’s Ross McIntosh here.
This is the First part of my chat with Mike Jones, He's the founder of Better Happy and I always leave a conversation with Mike feeling inspired and invigorated.
Better Happy enables organisations to develop healthy, motivated, high-performing managers, safe from burnout, as they say
"When your managers thrive, your people and business thrive."
In this episode he openly shares the ups and downs of his fascinating career - which involves two tours of Afghanistan, living in a Tibetan monastery and setting up his first start up - a cross fit gym. All of these experiences led Mike to create his highly successful business - Better Happy.
In the second part of our chat, Mike talks about the Better Happy approach - and we chat about topics that are very important to us both - including our view that workplaces are optimally placed to make a meaningful impact on happiness and wellbeing and that culture can be massively influenced by leadership role modelling. We also talk about the impact of ACT on Mike and also why the ACT segments are the most rewarding part of the training he delivers.
People Soup is an award winning podcast where we share evidence based behavioural science, in a way that’s practical, accessible and fun to help you glow to work a bit more often.
Another first for Season 5 is that I'm adding a transcript, wherever possible. There is a caveat - this transcript is largely generated by Artificial Intelligence, I have corrected many errors but I won't have captured them all! You can find the transcript by clicking on the three dots at the bottom left of the box below and selecting transcript.
You'll also find the shownotes, including all the useful links by clicking on Notes in the box below.
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