Tuesday 9 August 2022

Self-Esteem with Rich & Joe

Hi there and a very warm welcome to Season 4 Episode 23 of People Soup.

I’m delighted to be back to share part two of my chat with Dr Richard Bennett and Dr Joe Oliver - both clinical psychologists - both legends in their field- they joined me on the show to talk about self-esteem at work. We began by unpacking the concept that’s so popular and Rich and Joe draw upon the evidence to illustrate how self esteem can be quite a narrow and restrictive concept. People might say - "I’ve got high self esteem" or "I’ve got low self esteem" and it can feel quite rigid and inflexible. It can limit our behaviour and impact our whole career and or life. The chaps present their alternative perspective of self-acceptance - which effectively captures the nuanced and multifaceted experience of being a human. 

Their approach has is set out in their book -  The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Self-Esteem: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Move Beyond Negative Self-Talk and Embrace Self-Compassion 

And in this episode - there’s a treasure trove of insights and a tremendously generous take away.

NOW - those with heightened noticing skills - may have spotted the gap between part one and part two being released. I’d like to thank everyone for their patience - fortunately I’m fully confident that your patience is about to be rewarded.

The delay was a function of life - I’ve been working flat out on a mega project since March - designing and delivering coaching skills masterclasses to senior leaders in a global drinks company - needless to say - this has involved a heft dose of contextual behavioural science which has gone down a storm. It’s also involved a lot of European travel. Coupled with that - we moved house in May - and we couldn’t be happier with our new home - near Seville. It’s just been a tad busy and I’ve felt a bit exhausted and - to use a Spanish word - a la deriva - which means adrift. I now growing roots and feeling established and plans are gently afoot for new guests and topics.


Apple Podcasts



Radio Public

Loads more podcast platforms here.


Link to Joe and Rich's book and worksheets/ exercises:

Connect with Joe

Website for Contextual Consulting

Connect with Rich

Website for Think Psychology - w: thinkpsychology.co

Twitter: @thinkpsychol

You can read about our Chisi Award for the People Soup Podcast, Ross and Big G here! 
This includes the Louise Gardner Award, which I am tremendously moved and proud to receive.

You can find the #365daysofcompassion community

Facebook – #365daysofcompassion group https://www.facebook.com/groups/385641661879755/


The main #365DaysOfCompassion account @365dayscompass

The book club account @365daysBookClub

Chris' personal account @chisi_98

My new booth!

WordPress Blogs

The #365DaysOfCompassion community blog https://365daysofcompassion.wordpress.com/

Breathe Underwater https://underwaterbreathes.wordpress.com/

Our intro was created by the enormously talented Alex Engelberg and our incidental music is from Andy Glen. 


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