Tuesday 25 May 2021


Season 4 Episode 5

P-Soupers, thanks for tuning in. This week it’s a cup a soup with me. I want to talk to you about perspective taking and how that relates to the world between our ears - if you could just try on these perspectacles please and read the bottom line of the chart....

I’m going to be having a go at exercising my creativity - experimenting with ways to illustrate my point, which is, that we all live inside our heads - and often - we can assume other people are in their with us - think like us and really ‘get us’. 

In my work and life I constantly marvel that workplaces can function, relationships can happen and agreements can be made, because I reckon we can spend a lot of time just assuming that people are thinking just like us. And what’s going on in someone else’s head - can shape how they look at and experience the world and how they show up. And the same applies to us. I combine my thinking with a great exercise from a recent guest - Diana Hill.


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Show Notes

You can hear my full interview with Diana Hill here - it's in two parts.

Work Songs - by Mark Street

From 21 - 31 May - People Soup is sponsoring a screening of the documentary – Work Songs – by film-maker Mark Street in collaboration with Argot Pictures.

You can view the trailer below and grab your free ticket here! 

Work Songs trailer from Mark Street on Vimeo.

You can read about our Chisi Award for the People Soup Podcast here.

Our intro was created by the enormously talented Alex Engelberg and our incidental music is from Andy Glen. 


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