P Soupers - in this episode it’s a welcome return for Big G - by popular request (Big G is my Dad, Gordon McIntosh). He reflects on his experience of the kindness of strangers and also his recent Chisi Award for Compassionate Inspiration.
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Show Notes
I’ve spoken with Dad before on basic psychological needs of A, B and C - Autonomy, Belonging and Competence as well as the five ways to well-being.
If you'd like to sponsor Dad to support the work of Cancer Research UK, he would be absolutely thrilled, you'll find the link here.
What Dad talks about here is his innate kindness to others and how he appreciates small acts of kindness and connection from others. In the hurley burly of work and life we can sometimes forget to be kind. Why not make it your mission this week to spread small acts of kindness in your day to day interactions - you never know the impact you might have on somebody else’s day.
And as ever - your well-being is uppermost in my mind - so I also want you to look after yourselves and not overcommit or spread yourself too thinly. So when I invite you to spread small acts of kindness it could be:
Smiling at someone / saying hello / a wave /sending someone a message just to say you’re thinking of them /
Research I mentioned - by Sinclair et al (2016) in BMC Palliative Care - which was titled Compassion: a scoping review of the healthcare literature
"Action was often an essential component of compassion across studies involving the perspectives of patients and clinicians. Actions associated with compassion primarily consisted of attending to the “little things” [60, 61, 72], “small acts of kindness” "
And here's a link to that paper.
Article by Adam Grant and Reb Rebele called Beat Generosity Burnout - which recognises that selflessness at work can lead to exhaustion - and recommends how you can share your time and expertise more effectively. Read the article here.
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